Sunday Oct 04, 2020
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
As recent but all too familiar events force the country to grapple with its legacy of violence and racism, igniting a hopeful movement for substantive change across government and within industries, it is vital to engage not only perennial questions about representational politics in publishing, but also the material and demographic inequities in the industry that enable the exclusion of many voices and experiences. Our panel of professionals, from publishers to writers, weighs in on the current state of publishing, remedies to inequity in all its forms, and ways to move forward towards a vibrant and more just industry. Reagan Arthur, Publisher, Knopf; Nicole Chung, writer and Editor-in-Chief of Catapult magazine; Erroll McDonald, Vice President, Executive Editor at Knopf and Pantheon; Luis Alberto Urrea, novelist, poet, and essayist will discuss what needs to be done to create effective change in a conversation moderated by Suzanne Nossel, Chief Executive Officer of PEN America.