Wednesday Mar 02, 2016
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
37 Main Street
Brooklyn, NY
For more information, please call 718.666.3049
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Justin Krebs,Campaign director for MoveOn.org and founder of Living Liberally, visits “red state liberals” all across America who have chosen to stay in a politically unwelcoming environment for a variety of reasons.
About Blue in a Red State:
“Krebs approaches his subjects with candor and respect…[and] writes knowledgeably about people across the country. [The] book will spur discussion and civic action.” —Kirkus Reviews
“As social movement movers and shakers go, Drinking Liberally cofounder Justin Krebs is a virtual whirling dervish of democratic dynamism.” —Alternet
As the Democrat and Republican candidate hopefuls battle it out in the political arena this election season, their supporters are navigating relationships with family, friends, colleagues and neighbors who may not share their politics—but share their towns. Liberals are everywhere. But in many places across America, being a liberal can feel like the minority–and in the country’s most conservative corners, one might feel completely alone. It takes on new meaning on a day-to-day basis to be liberal in the proverbial “red states” dominated by conservative doctrine. Blue in a Red State: A Survival Guide to Life in the Real America introduces us to a handful of these “Red State Liberals”. As they tell their stories, we learn their coping strategies and see the communities they love through their eyes. From Texas to South Carolina to Idaho, these are the people who share liberal values—and together, this dynamic national constellation of liberals forms a movement of common purpose to strengthen our communities and our country.
A campaign director for MoveOn.org and founder of Living Liberally, Justin Krebs visited liberals all across America—in Waukesha, Wisconsin; Little Elm, Texas; Fayetteville, Arkansas; Pawleys Island, South Carolina; Pomeroy, Iowa; and elsewhere—who have chosen to stay in a politically unwelcoming environment for a variety of personal reasons. In Blue in a Red State he offers their stories, approaching his subjects with candor and respect while painting a portrait of liberals living among the “enemy”, as it were, by choice. A provocative and rollicking vision of strategies for living in a diverse society, Blue in a Red State chronicles how to keep up the liberal spirit in the toughest climates.
About the Author:
Justin Krebs is a political and cultural organizer, entrepreneur and author. He is a founding director of Living Liberally, a national political organization with over 200 chapters that creates hubs of liberal life all around the country—including the Drinking Liberally happy hours and Laughing Liberally comedy shows. He is also a founder of The Tank, a Manhattan-based non-profit home for performing arts and public affairs. Justin is a former Senior Fellow at the New Organizing Institute in Washington, DC, and a former Activist Fellow with CREDO Action in San Francisco. He is currently campaign director at MoveOn Political Action Committee and the author of 538 Ways to Live, Work and Play Like a Liberal. He is a graduate of Harvard University and lives in Brooklyn.
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