Tuesday Jul 02, 2013
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
37 Main Street
Brooklyn, NY
For more information, please call 718.666.3049
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Private detective Claire Dewitt scours the streets of San Francisco for her ex-lover’s killer in the second installment of Sara Gran’s addictive mystery series. Author Megan Abbott joins her in conversation.
Readers couldn’t get enough of private detective Claire DeWitt—fearless, experimental, relatable, and secretly caring and sensitive—in Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead, the first book in the new series by Sara Gran (Dope, Come Closer). It’s no surprise that anticipation is high for book two, CLAIRE DEWITT AND THE BOHEMIAN HIGHWAY, which the beloved Gran, now a writer for TNT’s Southland, delivers this June from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Gran, who was praised by Bruce DeSilva as “one of the more original writers working today,” and by Sue Grafton as the “first fresh literary voice I’ve heard in years” sends Claire scouring through the streets of the San Francisco Bay Area in search of her ex-lover’s killer with the help of her new assistant Claude and the writings of French detective Jacques Silette (bigger role in this book!). It’s addictive, personal because Gran swears Claire is semi-autobiographical, and perfect for summer and late-into-the-night reading.
Sara Gran revels in genre conventions while breaking every one. Salon’s Laura Miller, who compares Gran to Gillian Flynn, praises her in how “she picks a certain genre…and subverts it enough to make each book wholly distinctive.” Readers who loved the inside access to post-Katrina New Orleans in Gran’s first book will again appreciate the ins and outs of San Francisco and the Northern California coastline not present in any tour guides—the second book satisfies while remaining unique from the first, wholly unpredictable, and open for more.
People are rabid for Gran and her infectiously genuine personality—she could make a fan out of astrophysicists in Antarctica if you give them five minutes with her and her books. And there’s more Claire DeWitt to come! The series was recently adapted into a new television series by Southland producers John Wells, Andrew Stearn and Christopher Chulack. Gran will write the pilot, and is already hard at work on book three.
About the Author:
SARA GRAN is the author of five critically acclaimed novels, including Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead, Come Closer, and Dope. She also writes for film and TV, and has published in the New York Times, The New Orleans Times-Picayune, and USA Today.
MEGAN ABBOTT is the Edgar Award-winning author of six previous novels. She received her Ph.D. in English and American literature from New York University and has taught literature, writing, and film studies at New York University, the New School, and the State University of New York at Oswego. She lives in New York City.
For more information, please contact
Justin Levine
email: justin@powerhousearena.com
powerHouse Arena, 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
tel: 212-604-9074 x109
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