Thursday Oct 22, 2015
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
37 Main Street
Brooklyn, NY
For more information, please call 718.666.3049
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The author of Don’t Worry, It Gets Worse takes on the F-word: feminism, and skewers a range of cultural issues in her new book.
About You Don’t Have to Like Me:
In her debut book Don’t Worry, It Gets Worse, Alida Nugent navigated millennials through the choppy waters of adulthood to become a “a living, breathing, job-having, bill-paying, responsible adult.” With You Don’t Have to Like Me, Nugent writes a collection of witty, rambunctious essays about being a feminist in the age of the internet. Each essay is a wickedly funny and irreverent examination of the cultural norms around womanhood, from why Birth Control should be renamed the Pill From Heaven to absurd advice given to her as a woman (“you must moisturize your neck or else you’ll regret it later on in life”) to why we shouldn’t follow in Beyoncé’s dieting footsteps since she is “clearly on a different plane of existence than the rest of humanity.”
Political as it is personal, Alida Nugent takes on controversies, cultural hot topics and delicate issues such as:
- Unexpected racism: “I got into Emerson because I was willing to put myself into debt for the opportunity to not have to take math classes. I am not the picture of affirmative action you are looking for.”
- Not feeling guilty for purchasing Plan B: “I wanted to be the kind of person the world would excuse, just this once, for buying Plan B before she went to work at a vintage clothing shop in order to pay her bills.”
- What being “pro-choice” really means: “It means options. I believe pro-choice does not mean “Abort everything!” I believe pro-choice means that terminating a pregnancy is a surgical procedure. The decision to have a surgical procedure should be made by the sound-minded person who would be having the procedure.”
- Eating disorders: “Bulimia is a lonely disease. It is lonely to have to hide something, to eat alone and in secret…It was me, in the kitchen at two a.m., mechanically eating handfuls of anything I could get into my mouth, just so I could justify throwing it up.”
- The evils of juicing: “If hell is real, the devil hands out green juice the moment you get in the door. You think it’s not that bad, until you find yourself unable to poop for all of eternity and you start biting your nails just to chew on something solid.”
Alida Nugent is a feminist and takes pride in speaking out against gender inequality, while also advocating for the best lipstick/blush combination. Ideal for fans of Lena Dunham, Mindy Kaling and Roxane Gay, You Don’t Have to Like Me is a sharp and thoughtful collection on why the “F” word isn’t so bad.
About the Author:
Alida Nugent is the author of Don’t Worry, It Gets Worse and creator of The Frenemy, a female-centric comedy blog – as seen on the Today show, Huffington Post and Gothamist – that is devoted to making girls feel okay about staying at home and drinking wine in their pajamas. Nugent currently lives in Brooklyn, where she wears dark lipstick, eats sandwiches, and tries to find dive bars that serve martinis.
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