Thursday Oct 10, 2013
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
37 Main Street
Brooklyn, NY
For more information, please call 718.666.3049
RSVP appreciated: RSVP@powerHouseArena.com
Please fill out the “Bookings” form at the bottom of this page.
From a breakdown of classic cocktails to depictions of Twitter traffic, this entry in the acclaimed Best American series showcases the year’s best examples of data visualization. Cook will have a slideshow featuring some of the work featured in the book. The Atavist is co-sponsoring and will also present some work at the event.
The rise of infographics across virtually all print and electronic media—from a striking breakdown of classic cocktails to a graphic tracking 200 influential moments that changed the world to visually arresting depictions of Twitter traffic—reveals patterns in our lives and our world in fresh and surprising ways. In the era of big data, where information moves faster than ever, infographics provide us with quick, often influential bursts of art and knowledge—on the environment, politics, social issues, health, sports, arts and culture, and more—to digest, to tweet, to share, to go viral.
The Best American Infographics captures the finest examples from the past year, including the ten best interactive infographics, of this mesmerizing new way of seeing and understanding our world.
About the Editor:
Gareth Cook is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, a regular contributor to NewYorker.com, and editor of “Mind Matters,” Scientific American‘s neuroscience blog.
For more information, please contact
Justin Levine
email: justin@powerhousearena.com
powerHouse Arena, 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201
tel: 212-604-9074 x109
Bookings are closed for this event.