Monday Nov 08, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
28 Adams Street (Corner of Adams & Water Street across from the Archway)
Brooklyn , NY
This event will be LIVE at POWERHOUSE Arena! RSVP Below!
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PLEASE NOTE: Submitting an RSVP for this event DOES NOT guarantee entrance. This is a free-access event — entrance will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Proof of vaccination is required to attend.
About the Series.
MEMOIR MONDAY is a weekly newsletter and quarterly reading series bringing you the very best first-person writing from across the web, all in one place (a collaboration between Narratively, Catapult, Literary Hub, The Rumpus, Granta, and Guernica).
Learn more about Memoir Monday and sign up for the newsletter here.
About the Readers.
ALISSON WOOD is the founder and Editor in Chief of Pigeon Pages, a NYC literary journal and reading series. Being Lolita, from Flatiron Books at Macmillan, is her first book. Her award-winning writing has been published in The New York Times, The Paris Review, The Rumpus, Vogue, and Vanity Fair. Alisson holds an MFA in Fiction from New York University, and teaches creative writing at her alma mater.
ERIN KHAR’S debut memoir, Strung Out: One Last Hit and Other Lies that Nearly Killed Me appeared on most anticipated lists from The Rumpus, SELF, Apple Books, Goodreads, Bitch Media, Alma, and others. Of the book, The New York Times writes, “Khar’s buoyant writing doesn’t get mired in her dark subject matter. There is an honesty here that can only come from, to put it in the language of 12-step programs, a ‘searching and fearless moral inventory.’ This is a story she needed to tell; and the rest of the country needs to listen.” Erin writes the popular weekly advice column, Ask Erin, and her personal essays have appeared in SELF, Marie Claire, Salon, HuffPost, The Rumpus, Longreads, LA Weekly, Esquire, Cosmopolitan, and others. She lives in New York City.
JORDAN KISNER is the author of the essay collection Thin Places, named one of the best books of 2020 by NPR. She is a contributing writer for The Atlantic, a columnist for The Paris Review, and her work appears in the New York Times Magazine, The Believer, n+1, Pitchfork, and others. She is also the creator of the LitHub podcast Thresholds. She has received support from PioneerWorks, the Millay Colony for the Arts, Art OMI, and others, and is currently a 2020-2021 fellow at the Black Mountain Institute. She teaches creative writing at Columbia University.
LARISSA PHAM is an artist and writer in Brooklyn. Born in Portland, Oregon, she studied painting and art history at Yale University. She has written essays and criticism for The Paris Review Daily, The Nation, Art in America, Guernica, and elsewhere. She was an inaugural Yi Dae Up fellowship recipient from the Jack Jones Literary Arts Retreat. She is also the author of Fantasian, a novella.
About the Host.
Lilly Dancyger is the Deputy Editor of Narratively, and a freelance essayist and journalist with bylines in Rolling Stone, the Washington Post, Playboy, the Rumpus, Psychology Today, and more. Follow her on twitter at @lillydancyger.
Bookings are closed for this event.