Friday Sep 25, 2020
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
28 Adams Street (Corner of Adams & Water Street across from the Archway)
Brooklyn , NY
This event is virtual! Registration link here!
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About the Book.
No one enjoys being stuck and the misery is amplified when we have accomplished multiple steps toward a cherished goal — whether breaking a bad habit, losing weight, building a business, finding a mate, or finishing a degree — but just can’t seem to complete it.
In The Final 8th: Enlist Your Inner Selves to Accomplish Your Goals, author and therapist Bridgit Dengel Gaspard calls this demoralizing quandary when someone is so close to the finish line but just can’t seem to cross it “the final 8th” and introduces a powerful technique called voice dialogue to help readers recognize and overcome internal blocks that are preventing them from achieving their goals.
“The truth is, not every part of you wants what you think you want! Some of your inner selves are opposed to your goal,” writes Bridgit. “We’ll explore the technique of voice dialogue to discover those different aspects of yourself and speak from their point of view. This technique can reveal and free you from the hidden internal conflict that’s blocking your ability to achieve your goal.”
The Final 8th guides readers through the process of identifying and speaking with their inner selves — such as the inner critic, perfectionist, artist, and risk-taker — to figure out which of them supports their goal and which are impeding it. Bridgit helps readers to spot and discard the negative beliefs — like “I’m worthless” or “I’m not good enough” — that are holding them back. The book also helps readers discover empowering parts of themselves who can offer the guidance they need, shift their perspective, reveal their buried strengths, and get them moving again toward success and fulfillment.
“Sometimes people feel uncomfortable when they first try identifying inner selves and then speaking as those subpersonalities. But they soon become accustomed to the voice dialogue process and acknowledge its value,” writes Bridgit. “The Final 8th Process frees you by helping you access your wonderful team of inner selves, developing courage, strength, and creativity, and accessing the resources you need to break through your impasse and reach your goal.”
About The Author.
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard, LCSW, is the author of The Final 8th and the founder of the New York Voice Dialogue Institute. She is a former performer who earned a master’s degree from Columbia University and teaches at numerous professional settings including Omega Institute. She lives in New York City, where she maintains a thriving private practice. Visit her online at https://www.final8th.com.
About The Moderator.
J. Tamar Stone, M.A. is an internationally recognized psychotherapist, consultant, consciousness teacher, senior Voice Dialogue facilitator, and the originator of The Body Dialogue Process. She is the creator of Selves in a Box, a psycho-spiritual card deck and guidebook inspiring the interactive exploration of the Selves.