Monday Sep 21, 2020
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
28 Adams Street (Corner of Adams & Water Street across from the Archway)
Brooklyn , NY
RSVP required. Register here.
PLEASE NOTE: Submitting an RSVP for this event DOES NOT guarantee entrance. This is a free-access event — entrance will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
About the Series.
Memoir Monday is a collaboration between Narratively, Catapult, The Rumpus, Granta, Guernica, and Literary Hub to bring the very best first-person writing together in a weekly newsletter and a quarterly reading series.
Learn more about Memoir Monday and sign up for the newsletter here: https://memoirmonday.substack.com/about
The reading series usually takes place at Powerhouse Arena in Brooklyn, but will be held online via Zoom until in-person gatherings are safe again!
About your Readers.
A native of Northeast Ohio, ATHENA DIXON is the author of The Incredible Shrinking Woman (Split/Lip Press) and No God in This Room (Argus House Press). Her work also appears in The BreakBeat Poets Vol. 2: Black Girl Magic (Haymarket Books). Athena’s work has appeared in various publications including GAY Magazine and Narratively. She is founder of Linden Avenue Literary Journal and is the co-host of the New Books in Poetry Podcast via the New Books Network. She resides in Philadelphia.
SARAH KASBEER‘s essays have appeared in Creative Nonfiction, The Cut, Dissent, Elle, Guernica, Longreads, The Rumpus, and the ‘Notables’ section of the Best American Essays. Her first book, A Woman, a Plan, an Outline of a Man, will be published October 1.
ANGELA CHEN is a journalist and the author of Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex. Her reporting and essays have been published in The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, The Guardian, National Geographic, Paris Review, Lapham’s Quarterly, Chronicle of Higher Education, and more.
MELISSA FALIVENO is the author of the essay collection Tomboyland, published in August 2020, which in a starred review Publishers Weekly calls a “winning debut.” The former senior editor of Poets & Writers Magazine, her essays and interviews have appeared in Esquire, Paris Review, Bitch, Ms. Magazine, Literary Hub, Prairie Schooner, and DIAGRAM, among others, and received a notable selection in Best American Essays 2016. She has taught nonfiction writing at Sarah Lawrence College and Catapult in New York City, and is the 2020-21 Kenan Visiting Writer at UNC Chapel Hill. Born and raised in small-town Wisconsin, she lives in Brooklyn, NY.
About your Host.
LILLY DANCYGER is a contributing editor at Catapult and assistant editor at Barrelhouse Books. She’s also the editor of Burn It Down, an anthology of essays on women’s anger; and the author of Negative Space, a memoir forthcoming from SFWP in 2021. Her writing has appeared in Psychology Today, The Rumpus, the Washington Post, Catapult, the Guardian, New York Magazine, and more.